Monday, April 13, 2015

It's just a train.

Aiden with Eliza and Ziada

For easter the kids have a week off from school. They were allowed to spend easter day with their families and then we had a full week of work, lessons, computer classes, and fun. The other exciting thing to happen is that Jeneti came home from secondary school. The kids were very excited to see her and hear all about like outside of the village.

These are pictures from fertilizing the Avocado trees!

Kay is in America and she took a teacher from the primary school. His name is Akiba and he helps us so much at Sunrise! He got invited by a school in Kay's area to come shadow the school. He told Gerusa that he is amazed by how well the kindergarten students work with computers. He will be flying back the end of this week so please be praying for safe travels!

Aiden & Us:

Notice the DIRTY feet

Aiden is getting big so fast. It's hard to believe that in just a month and a half he will be a year old! He is quite the experienced crawler now, loves to pull himself up on stuff, walking along furniture is now an easy thing for him. He also is learning to drink from a cup by himself (lots of messes) and is able to eat certain "finger foods". He enjoys giving big wet kisses and clapping his hands.

We had a really rainy last week, which basically means you are stuck indoors. (I know shame on me Oregonian and all, but its a different story when there are no paved roads only ones.) SO one night Sifeli and I decided to play cards. I taught him how to play Go Fish and Slap Jack. Needless to say Slap Jack was the favorite.

Sifeli has an appointment with the embassy on monday the 20th, so please be praying he gets his visa! We hope to come in May and leave sometime in September (same as last year).

Village Life:

One night last week I woke up to a strange sound. It sounded like a train going by and the house was shaking a little, and I thought "oh it's just a train". Next thought, "wait a minute this is uhekule, no trains here.....earthquake!" That's right we've had four earthquakes since we got back in September. Luckily they are not very fierce, but they are strong enough to wake you up.

I am slowly acclimating to my life as a village wife, and village life in general. Things are not always easy but I like to believe i am adjusting well, I am even learning the tribal language as to better communicate with Sifeli's family!

It's that time already.... My 2 year permit expires in a couple of months, but I will need to renew before we leave. I can't believe that I have been living in Tanzania for 2 years and 5 months!!!