Monday, November 3, 2014

God is good!

Aiden with his cousin, Ima

The house is so close to being finished, and yet so far! Hopefully we will have the roof completed tomorrow (Tuesday) and the concrete done by the end of this week!!! So anxious to start our life in a new home! ;)

Our Room


Guest Room

The kids are all doing well. They have lots of exams coming up and some are already finished! The new boy, Nicky, is brilliant. He got better scores then our other kids and there are two boys in grade 4 competing for number 1! Its so exciting to see that Nicky now has so many opportunities to  grow, opportunities he would not of had before.

The little boy, Shedrack that I have mentioned (the two new kids’ brother) is doing so well!! After three days of taking the medication he was already smiling again, and now he is able to walk again! God is so good! He is currently living with his grandmother, but it is not a good long term option. So continue to pray for a new home! 

It’s funny coming throught the market in Njombe with Aiden. NO ONE believes that he is my child. Apparently he looks quite African these days. One lady asked me about 5 times if he was mine mine, like did he come out of me mine. After I kept saying yes over and over again, finally Gerusa does a demonstration of him coming out of me.  Its pretty interesting having to convince people that the baby you are carrying around all of the time is in fact yours. 

Sifeli has decided that he missed everyone in America and would like to come back again next year. Perhaps you will be seeing all three of us again next year!

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