For New Year's Eve, Aiden and I stayed up to the late hour of 8:00pm. (I know, crazy party animals). We were sleeping soundly when i woke up aroudn 10:30pm; i couldnt figure out what had woken me up at first- all i heard was this loud rumbling sound outside, and the next thing i know the bed is rocking back and forth and the doors are rattling. It was and earthquake! Only last about 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it wasn't very serious, but none the less i was awake. It's the second one we have had since we got back in September.
When i leave the house with Aiden we end up getting gifts. We will often return home with potatoes, bananas, avocado, vegetables, anything Aiden can eat that the villagers have to give.
I am still working on wanting to be more loving towards my fellow villagers. I have wanted to stay locked up get some me time (well me time with a 7 month old), which i dont believe is bad, but I know that it is getting in the way of reaching out and loving people. I am making a point of making this new year a new chance to reach out. Everytime I leave the house and walk through the village (wether to site or just to buy some tomatoes) i always feel better after greeting people. Always.
We are hoping to come back this Summer again, (May-September) and I would really like to work, so if anyone knows of a summer job let me know! We would like to finish up the last touches on the house.
We have aleady decided we will have our hands full with Aiden when he is able to walk. He is already curious about everything.and trying to get into everything. We will probably buy him one of those leash for kids things this summer!
I took Aiden to teh doctor at the end of december, he was weighing in at 16 pounds and 26 inches long! I didn't get a picture of the way that they weigh babies but next time i will bring a camera! They put them in this harness and hang them on a hook from the scale, which is hooked on the top of the doorway. Aiden was not a big fan!
People often ask what kind of things we need so i made a list of a few items that we could use.
*We can use countless amounts of these things*
Aiden: Plastic pants covers for his diapers ( the ones we have are either to small now or are starting to get some major wear and tear, changing clothes everytime you change diapers gets old when you wash everythign by hand), socks for 9 month + (he has big feet)
House/me: Hot pads, Tuna, chocolate chips (go both ways, us and Sunrise), fly strips, clothes pins
Sunrise: Toothbrushes!
Padded envelopes only, and careful on weight, they can get expensive on both ends.
Address is:
P.O Box 746
Njombe, Tanzania
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