Monday, March 30, 2015

What not to eat, By Aiden

Cat taking a ride on Aiden


Hanging with the boys

SO many things to update on, and i apologize for the delay. Life is as always busy busy busy busy.

Sunrise Things:
The kids are growing, which is a normal thing that children do. It's fun to see all the changes in just 2 & 1/2 years. We are entering the teen years for the majority of our kids and with that teen attitudes. Our oldest kids are now too cool for basically everything. I mean they are practically adults now...  So we are working through some bad attitudes and the punishments that match the crime.
We attempted for the second time to get approved for registration as an orphanage. (more help from the government.) Gerusa and the staff worked hard cleaning site and i made sure our records were up to date. The men came out from district to inspect us on a pretty large list of things. I am happy to report that we have PASSED. We are officially an orphanage in the country of Tanzania! (Awaiting paperwork)

We have a 10 month old. At 9 months 1 week, Aiden was crawling. 2 weeks later he was pulling himself up, a week after that walking along furniture (slowly). He hasn't cut anymore teeth, but he is starting to try and eat certain things by himself, using the two teeth. He is also a chatterbox, can clap his hands, still loves getting kisses, and loves all his big brothers and sisters.
The other day Gerusa and I were loading the diesel into the storage room so i put Aiden in the grass to play. We look over at him and he is in the grass on all fours something in his hand and something hanging out of his mouth. The look on his face was of disgust, as if he was thinking I completly regret the decision to place this in  my mouth. I go over there to see what he has and it was cat poop. Yep my kid tried to eat cat poop.  I went to wash his mouth out with some water while Gerusa and I were laughing hystirically. It still makes me laugh when i think about the expression on his face.

The last thing i posted i mentioned going to the clinic. There are quite a few children that are underweight, but most of them are not. The weight chart they have here is adjusted to Africa. (Here Aiden is big for his age, in America he is small.) I also found out about a village not too far from us has NO doctor, no clinic, if they are sick or want to get their kid weighed/ immunizations, they have to walk quite a distance (around 5k). I was thinking of going out there with our doctor and doing a sort of clinic just to check things out, see what the need may be there. So please be praying that the correct opportunity will present itself.

Village life
Things in the village are  going great. We had a family meeting back in september when we returned to uhekule concerning us. Instead of paying a bride price they wanted to give us gifts (similar to what we do in the states). They planned that in April would be the best time (after selling potatoes). SO we recently had another family meeting to discuss when and where and how we are going to go abotu the gift giving. Similar to the bride price party we are having a gift giving party. We have to pay for the food but we will be given money and gifts in return. So we are basically having a house warming party- Tanzanian style!

PS We are coming soon to a country near you. We wiil be in oregon in May, and staying for the Summer!! (Looking for part time work)

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