Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love more

“I think that is what God had in mind, for Jesus to be present, to just be with us. It’s also what he has in mind for us when it comes to other people. The world can make you think that love can be picked up at garage sale or enveloped in a hallmark card. But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence.”

-Bob Goff, Love does

What a week this has been! Things are so busy with building the house, i cannot wait for it all to slow down, and to really start this village life! The house is coming along nicely, (picures posted below) the next step is roof, and then the  outside is finished! We still have windows and all of the inside to do, but for 5 days work i think these guys are doing pretty well!

 A few funny things happened this week; one is we have this kid that helps at Sunrise during his school breaks. He was around when i came home in December of last year. He asks me the other day,"Why when you came from America last time you were so white, and  now you are so red?" Haha, i told him because last time it was snowing in America and this time there was lots of sun! 

Sifeli says he misses the following people from America; Dad, Tyler, Paul Knopp, mom and Alyssa. He says that the reason Aiden is so strong is because of Dad. Aiden also has dad's hands but Sifeli's feet.

We had a family meeting this week, which i walked to with all of my sister in laws. They fed us rice and greens, at 8 in the morning, with tea haha. 

I walk to site every day. (Sunrise=Site)  I am working on Sunrise's income, trying to find areas where we might be loosing money. I am working on stuff for the tractor, which is a big money guzzler. Last year we only planted enough potatoes for eating, we didn't try to sell, HOWEVER after looking at the cost of fertilizer, it may have been cheaper just to buy them all year, but that is what i am looking into now. We didn't make any money on corn, and the cow will have her baby in one month, so we will be selling milk soon! The kids are doing great here is a couple more pictures:

Aiden is getting so BIG! Who would've thought our 3lb baby would be wearing 6 month clothes before he even turned 5 months! That's right folks, Aiden has made the jump to 6 month clothes.

I have found my new calling. All I can say here is that it’s to love the women of this village. Love them without limits, pray for them, be with them, listen to them, be a shoulder to cry on, and someone that they can count on. 

“Following Jesus is simple but not easy. Love until it hurts and then love more.”
-Mother Teresa

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